Indy Gameya Jones!

I've had pico 8 for awhile, but have yet to do a project in it or really do anything with it. I got motivated by going to the retro gaming expo here in Portland and seeing the PIGSquad booth. Right when I came up with the idea for this game PIGSquad announced a workshop for pico 8 which was glorious timing. 

I like pico8 because it forces you to make small games... or so I thought. Of course I chose to do a big ass project. Initially I was going to do an endless runner just with the big boulder chasing the main character.. but a platformer made more sense to start. Maybe I'll make an endless runner later(doubt it...will probably never wanna see these sprites for another 5 years due to ptsd). 

I hired a talented dude I've previously had graphics done(for both my other games on itch... which used graphics I'd used for flash games ~6 years ago) and he did an incredible job. is his itch page. The graphics for this game are so sick.. it's super motivating for me knowing I will make something beautiful... now I just have to make it 'fun'. 

Making a game 'fun' is not something I believe I've ever done. I'm definitely not super thrilled with any game I've made so far.. but I'm still soldiering on until I get that part down. I will eventually get it, I believe.

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